Recipe: Appetizing Banana and oats loaf

Delicious, easy and tasty.

Banana and oats loaf. I also used old fashioned oats in place of the quick rolled oats, and soaked them in the milk and applesauce while assembling the other ingredients (adding the oat mix with the whole raisins). This recipe is a simple five ingredient banana bread recipe that you can make with ingredients you probably have on hand in your pantry. This is a dense and moist bread that is mildly sweet and tastes strongly of bananas and hearty oats.

Banana and oats loaf And that's just the tip of the iceberg - there really is a reason for banana bread under every circumstance. I'd call this Banana Oat Bread the perfect breakfast banana bread. Banana bread is my favorite way to use up ripe bananas. You can have Banana and oats loaf using 14 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Banana and oats loaf

  1. You need of mug cup rolled oats.
  2. It's of mug cup plain white flour.
  3. It's of medium ripe bananas(de veined).
  4. Prepare of medium eggs.
  5. It's of unmelted butter.
  6. It's of level.baking powder.
  7. It's of mug cup pure orange juice.
  8. Prepare of salt.
  9. It's of brown sugar.
  10. It's of Spices used:little crushe black pepper,half tspn cinnamon powder,.
  11. Prepare of Spice option for garnish:,zaafaran/saffron /sofran.
  12. Prepare of Little orange zest.
  13. It's of Nuts(optional topping or garnish).
  14. You need of Powdered white sugar for garnish.

This banana oatmeal bread is light, moist banana bread that's a little healthier because of some good-for-you ingredients. The oatmeal makes it a little heartier than traditional banana bread, but the buttermilk helps to keep it light and moist. In medium bowl, combine oats and milk; mix well. Stir in mashed bananas, egg substitute and oil until blended.

Banana and oats loaf step by step

  1. For the oats:place I'mein deep bowl for easy crush using hand blender.then here used orange juice and sugar and orange zest,to start of with.Then blend.until smaller part of.oats but not paste (need this for texture results).can leave to soak for a whole in the orange juice and sugar to be softer and flavor.
  2. Prep banans by peeling and removing mid vain Then add in.egg,flour and the the oats bowl..Then blend briefly to combine remix with spoon blend bit more.then add butter and baking powder and again blend only to combine.otherwise use whisk to finish of the mixing.can add the cinnamon and other spice of choice e.g. bit of zafron.
  3. Place in your loaf tin preferable the long rectangulat deep one or similar to rectangle one if not available.but not too wide.then sprinkle crushed nuts on top b4 baking..
  4. Bake in preheated top oven and until golden at edges and can get some slight aroma of banana and nutty ness check and remove from tray and let cool.garnish sprinkle with powdered sugar and can add the saffron if prefer,gives come and some flavor.slice or leave as loaf.enjoy with tea of choice.
  5. Transformed! Druzzled with homemade chocolate sauce(recipe using vitamin added choc powders such as goodycao and nesquick powder.

In large separate bowl, combine flour, sweetener or sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda, salt and nutmeg; mix well. The oatmeal makes it hearty and somewhat chewy, while the bananas and buttermilk make it sweet and moist - yet it is not as sweet or sticky-moist as some other banana breads I've had. This makes a smaller loaf than some recipes. Pecans would also be a delicious addition (this is how Jamie Oliver makes banana bread). Bananas add so much moisture to quick bread, as well as SO much flavour.